
Import images from Picasa web albums to Facebook

I like sharing my photos on Picasa Web Albums: you do not need have an account with Picasa to view the photos, the photos and albums are extremely easy to manage, and the Picasa application itself is probably the best photo management software out there. However, it would be also nice if people on Facebook could see and comment on the photos without having to go to a different site. Until recently, the only proper way to show your Picasa photos on Facebook was to really upload them twice: once to Picasa Web Albums and then to the Facebook albums. Of, course some application existed that made the process of uploading a photo easier, like  the Picasa Uploader - a plugin to the Picasa tool that could upload photos on to Facebook, or Picasa Tab - a Facbook app that allow to create a tab on the profile that would display the Picasa albums (like someone would ever click on that tab),

But today I have found an amazing Facebook app, that does exactly what is needed: it takes a Picasa web album and converts it to the Facebook album. You are also allowed to select individual photos from a Picasa web album and/or upload them into an existing Facebook album instead of creating a new one. The tool is called Picasa Importer.  The process of uploading picture is extremely simple: you provide a link to Picasa album, the tool grabs the photos from it, allows you to select the ones that you want to upload and then creates the Facebook album with the existing photos. Extremely easy and fast.

Hope this will be usedful to someone.